Finding Inspiration for Your Remodeling Project
So you want to remodel your house! We love to help homeowners as they reimagine their existing spaces or consider additions to their current structure. When beginning the process, it may seem like the options are unlimited, so you’ll want to focus your ideas to come up with several options that will satisfy your needs, be doable, and be affordable.
Targeting your remodeling plans
Start by asking yourself some questions, then consider the easiest solutions and go from there.
Questions to ask:
- What do you want to change or what do you need that you don’t have?
- How much of what you need can be solved with interior design changes and how much actual remodeling is needed?
- What’s your style?
- Where would be the best places in your house to make these changes?
- Would an addition be easier than remodeling?
- What’s your budget?
- What’s your timeframe?
Fairly simple changes that can help you fulfill your goals:
- Track lighting, new lighting fixtures
- New interior or exterior doors and trim
- New windows or window designs
- Closets or built-in shelving
- Brighter walls and ceiling
- Updated bathroom fixtures
- Outdoor living areas
- Kitchen cabinet refacing, new hardware, new backsplash or counter
- Easy-clean flooring consistent with your design style
- Molding or ceiling details
Areas that may be easily remodeled or that can provide extra space:
- Attic
- Basement
- Wasted space hiding behind walls or under stairs
- Part of the garage
- Dormers on an upper story
Expanding your space:
- Enclosing a patio or porch
- Building a floor over the garage
- Building a second floor on a rancher
- Expanding an existing room out or adding an addition
Finding inspiration
Once you’ve answered your questions and you have an idea of what steps would be needed to help you fulfill your goals, it is time to start looking at design books and websites for ideas. Keep in mind that many of the homes you’ll see are not lived in – or at least, they don’t look that way when they are lived in! So when you find your favorite pictures, try to superimpose your family into the setting.
How will the kids use the room? The pets? You and/or your spouse? Are coats and briefcases dropped at the door, which would immediately clutter your ideal living room? If so, you’ll want to provide a storage solution in your dream space that will solve that problem or you just won’t be happy with the final project.
If it’s a kitchen setting, how will the family really use the room? Will the new pristine island get cluttered with junk? If so, provide a storage solution for that, too. Will the spot you’re thinking of for the state-of-the-art refrigerator you’re dreaming of limit movement around the stove or in and out of the room?
These are the kinds of practical issues that our designers go over with our clients when they come to us with their design ideas. So once you have a few good ideas for your remodeling project, bring those ideas to us. We’ll help work out the bugs so that your project will fulfill the plans that you have for it. We hate to hear clients come to us because they have problems with a remodel job done by someone else and say, “If only I’d thought of that before we had the work done.” We help you think of those things beforehand.
Call us at M&K Renovations today, (610) 353-2895, to get your remodeling project done right.
Renovating the Philadelphia Area for Over 16 years

Jeff’s experience in Operations Management and Organizational Leadership in the mortgage, manufacturing, and finance industries allows him to bring 15+ years of corporate expertise to the M&K team. His motto is: “Quality is paramount – Process should be simple.