
Can Replacement Windows Save You Money?

As remodelers, we are often asked about the benefits of replacing windows versus repairing existing windows. Do new windows really save on energy costs? Are new windows right for us? 

The answer to the first question is yes, new windows usually provide savings in energy costs. But whether new windows are right for you depends on your house and your particular needs. 

Savings from New Windows

Over time, your windows and the area around your windows will deteriorate, especially if any parts are made of wood. Window frames can begin to rot or soften from the elements, remain wet for extended periods, and possibly grow mold or allow moisture into the house where you can’t see it. The sealing around the windows and caulking around panes can shrink, dry up, or break off, allowing air and moisture in. Window locks break off, and sashes don’t move up and down easily through the channel over time.

New windows are made with durable materials that usually have warranties of 20 or more years. They are designed with energy savings in mind. They come in varying levels of energy efficiency, with features such as double-pane or triple-pane windows, insulating gas between the panes, and a special coating that reflects sunlight in the summer and absorbs its heat in the winter. Depending on which features you choose, you could cut your energy costs by hundreds of dollars per year. 

Energy savings alone will not recoup the expense of the replacement windows, but the increased resale value might. Studies show that up to 73% of the cost of installing new windows can be recovered in the resale value of your home. 

New windows will decrease the cost and effort involved in regular maintenance of old windows, and if “time is money,” new windows also save cleaning time, since they are designed to tilt in easily to make regular cleaning chores a breeze. 

Repairing Existing Windows

If you have an old or historic home, talk to us about the possibility of repairing the windows instead of replacing them completely. Original windows give an older home part of its charm and appeal, and can improve resale value if the windows are kept in good repair. 

When replacing or repairing windows on older or historic homes, you want to maintain the original look by matching the number of panes in each window and the style of the wood trim and window sills. Repairs may include replacing the weatherstripping and the glazing around the panes, repairing damaged wood, insulating gaps, and adjusting the angle of the window sills to direct rain away from the window. 

Deciding What’s Best for You

If your windows are starting to appear old, if you notice moisture around your windows or a breeze around the window frame, or if you just ever feel like you’re “heating the outdoors,” it’s time to do something about your windows. At M&K Renovations, our goal is to find the best window solution for your home, whether that’s repairing or replacing. Contact us today to see how we can help!


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